The Daniel Stolpe Archive at UCSC

Lennox Tierney, Historian Educator University of Utah
Daniel Stolpe, Artist
Margaret Gordon, Former Library Development Officer UCSC
Christine Bunting, Head Curator UCSC Special Collections.
from Homepage
Here are the various ways in
which you can help us support the Stolpe Legacy:
* Do you own a work of art by Dan Stolpe? By donating such a work to the
UCSC Library, you may be able to extend our Archive of images and, if
the work’s value has appreciated substantially, help yourself to a
significant tax deduction as well. If we already own a copy of the
image, with your permission, we may be able to translate your gift into
a significant addition to the Stolpe Endowment.
* Please consider making a cash contribution to the Stolpe Endowment,
which is building to the $10,000 level required for endowment investment
by the UC Santa Cruz Foundation.
We respectfully request a
contribution of $500, but
any amount you give will be welcome and appreciated. Please send your
check made out to the UCSC Foundation/Stolpe Endowment to Gift
Administration, Carriage House, UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa
Cruz, CA 95064.
* Consider a gift of appreciated securities to the Stolpe Endowment.
Again, such a gift may provide substantial enrichment to the Endowment,
as well as significant tax advantage. For specific information on how to
make such a gift, please contact Library Development Officer Margaret
Gordon at 831-459- 4211.
We will notify Dan Stolpe of your generosity and, in appreciation,
enroll you on our honor roll of supporters, inviting you to special
library events and activities. Most important, you will have the satisfaction of knowing
that you have helped ensure the continuing vitality of the Daniel Stolpe
Archive and Dan’s enduring legacy.
Sincerely yours,
Allan J. Dyson
UCSC University Librarian

McHenry Library Special Collections maintains Mr. Stolpe's art archive. The McHenry Library Media Center has had the privilege of displaying examples of his paintings, lithographs and woodcuts since 2001.
Local art collector and dentist, Dr. Ron Wickum, is remembered by his generous donations of art by his close friend and
acclaimed artist to University of California Santa
Cruz Special Collections. By
Barbara McKenna
Coyotes have settled in the back hallways of McHenry Library--coyotes digging for bones,
chasing the moon, scratching fleas.
These coyotes are the creation of Dan Stolpe, an internationally renowned artist and longtime resident of Santa Cruz. Stolpe's
woodcuts, lithographs, and etchings of coyotes and other Native American figures are found in more than 25 major collections around
the world. Those collections now include UCSC, thanks to a gift from Dr. Ron
Wickum, a Santa Cruz resident. |
FR: Rita Bottoms, Head, UCSC Library Special Collections
Gordon, Library Development Officer
TO: Daniel O. Stolpe,
Ronald J. Wickum, DDS, patron
of the arts
RE: UCSC Library
Endowment for the Daniel O. Stolpe Archive
Collections, University Library, UC Santa Cruz
This library subject endowment
is established to recognize, preserve, and celebrate the artistic
vision and corpus of North American shamanistic painter, printmaker, and
sculptor Daniel O.
Stolpe. Dan Stolpe has devoted his life to exploring the traditional
spiritual and aesthetic culture
of Native Americans and bringing that tradition to renewed contemporary
expression in dramatic
and expressive monotypes, woodcuts, serigraphs, etchings, and paintings.
Dan’s work helps
bridge the Indian and non-Indian worlds and the false divisions among
the human and natural,
the temporal and spiritual. In this important endeavor, Dan has been
aided by the support,
advice, and resources of a number of important patrons, who share his
life-long interest in Native
American culture and its harmony with the natural environment. Among the
most dedicated of
these patrons has been Ronald J. Wickum, DDS, who has donated numerous
Stolpe works to
UCSC Library Special Collections.
The income from this UCSC Library
endowment will be used by the Head of Special Collections
to organize, preserve, and otherwise support the Daniel O. Stolpe
Archive, which shall be
provided to UCSC Library Special Collections as a gift, either from the
artist or one of his
patrons. The Archive shall contain a representative example of every
significant image in the
Stolpe canon, as well as Dan Stolpe’s complete personal papers and
relevant memorabilia.
Endowment income may be used to process, organize, index, and enhance
the accessibility of the
work of Dan Stolpe and to promote it through exhibitions, publications,
educational programs,
and the like. Income may also be used to enhance the Archive with
additional acquisitions,
including works by related artists, which provide important context and
contrast. As these
purposes are fulfilled, at the discretion of the Head of Special
Collection, income may also be
used to provide general support for related collections, operations, and
services within UCSC
Library Special Collections, so that the Stolpe Archive may flourish
within the framework of a
robust and vital institutional environment.
[ Monotypes ] [ Paintings ]
[ Woodcuts ] [ Lithographs ]
[ Etchings ] [ Serigraphs ]
[ Contact & Ordering ]
[ About the Artist ]
[ Maidu Book vol I ]
[ Maidu Book
vol II ]
[ Maidu Book vol III ]
[ Cards ]
[ Shamans Vision ]
[ Don LaViere Turner ]
[ Artist Links ] [ The Archive ]
[ Native Images Editions ]